• Nice and simple! You can click on our ‘Booking Enquiry’ button at the top of our website, choose what band you are looking to enquiry about and fill out the form. One of our team will get back to you on the bands availability and price.

    All bands also have a Booking Form on their profiles, just click the ‘Check Availability’ button.

  • The price quoted includes the Bands/Acts performance fee, travel/fuel money and all other expenses the Bands/Acts need covered.

    There are no hidden extra fees added at a later date!

    However, some Bands/Acts have additional services they can provide such as DJ Sets, Drinks Receptions etc. These services are subject to extra cost.

    Accommodation may be required if the Band/Act are traveling long distances. This will either be added into the price quoted or asked to be arranged by the Client.

  • You pay your remaining balance directly to your Band/Act.

    Payment details will be included in your Booking Contract.

    We ask you pay this 2 - 4 weeks prior to your date.

    Some bands prefer to be paid by cash, if this is their preferred payment, you must pay the Band/Act prior to their performance.

  • For a wedding in Scotland, bands typically play from 8pm until Midnight with a break. The break is lined up while your evening buffet is being served.

    Times for other events can vary. Let us know in your booking enquiry the timings you are looking for. Bands are happy to cover a 4 hour period with a break.

    Our Acoustic Acts, for Drinks Receptions, play over a 2 or 3 hour period.

  • Most bands take 1 hour to set once they have access to the space they will be performing in.

    The band need this time to set up their PA System, Lighting and Instruments. Then do a sound check to make sure they will sound perfect for your event.

    Acoustic Acts take 30 minutes to set up.

  • Yes! Bands/Acts will put on a playlist of background music while they take a break.

    If you would like to provide your own playlist just let the band know and you can arrange this with them directly.

  • Most of our Bands/Acts play the entire country of Scotland and some of Northern England.

    However some bands may have limitations on where they will travel. Our band members have day jobs, families, etc. If your preferred Band/Act don’t travel to your venue location we will let you know during your initial enquiry.

  • Contact details for the Band Leader are included in the Booking Contract.

    So you can speak to the Band/Act directly to discuss first dance requests and/or other requests you have for your event.

  • Yes! Most of the Bands/Acts have public gigs booked throughout the year which you can attend. Most of these are bar gigs so are free entry!

    Seeing Bands/Acts live is a great why to experience what they will be like at your event!

  • The Band/Act have full control over the song choices and order in which they play them.

    With years of experience they are great at reading the crowd and playing songs best suited to keep the dance floor busy.

    However, please feel free to let them know some of your favourite songs, or songs you would rather they didn't play, and they can tailor the night to your suit your needs.

  • Luckily the Bands/Acts have a fantastic group of professional musicians who are all well rehearsed with their set and can stand in at a moments notice!

    So if unfortunately a band member is sick or has to cancel due to a personal matter, don’t worry, a musician of the same standard will be in their place and the experience of the your event will be unchanged!

  • Unfortunately no.

    The Band/Act can not be held accountable for things being held up during the day of your event.

    A lot of venues have a curfew for live music and the Band/Act must abide to them. Performing past midnight would need to be pre-arranged in the booking process and is subject to extra cost.

If you have any other questions please feel free to email us and we will be happy to answer them for you! If you have already booked your band/act you can also message them directly.